SUSDEVI Recruitment: My Response to the Scam, Fake and Fraud Alert



SUSDEVI Recruitment: My Response to the Scam, Fake and Fraud Alert


Hello Joel,

I would like to commend your effort in calling attention to an issue like this, but I am a bit concerned if you are actually genuine or you are up to some sort of mischief.

Firstly, the title of your write-up does not seem to correspond exactly with its conclusion or the message that you wish to pass across.

Your post wants our readers to believe that they are being scammed by applying for a job at SUSDEVI, not because you think that they will be asked for money (as you clearly stated in your write-up) but because you think that the organization wants to use the applicants to gather followers.
Since this is the case, I suggest that you should have used something like “fake” instead of “scam” in your title.

For me, SCAM suggests that money is being collected from people on false pretense, and the dictionary says it’s “an illegal plan for making money, especially one that involves tricking people”.
So since you agree that the so called organization is not out to collect money from people in a dubious way, why then do you whip up unnecessary sentiment with the word SCAM?

Now, on whether the recruitment is real or not, I am honestly not in a position to say that.
However, I strongly feel that there is no cause for alarm – at least not now.

I have followed the recruitment and have also encouraged people to apply.
That the deadline was moved does not make it a scam or all the things you tried to conjure up.

I have applied for some professional development opportunities offered by foreign governments where the application deadline was extended several times. This is nothing really new.
And I tell you that I will be among the first to discredit it when I see something substantial that point to that direction.

I don’t have enough time now, else I would have picked and discussed each of the points that you raised (I’ll try to do this on a later date), but let me just highlight some of the comments from readers under your post that you may want to respond to. I quite agree with some of them.


“I guess you are either being intentionally mischievous or you were not patient enough to find out that they have a main site where you could have learnt about the organization. is just a career page for recruitment only. “


“Mr analyst, it is clearly written on their website that they do not ask for money for the job.”


“I know what you are trying to do. You want to discourage people from applying so that you and your friends will have a higher chance of getting the job.
Hahaha… kole werk”


“Oga if your problem is about facebook likes and followers, you can open your own page and I will dash you hundred followers. Why all this bad belle?”


“If only you cared to read the FAQ you would understand the reason for the shift in deadline. I applied and I was even one of those that was always logging in all the time to change one or two things in my application until the site became very slow towards the deadline”


“see this one that is talkin that they will monitize our traffic. Lolz. Do you even know that there is no Adsense or any form of advertisement on their website?. Na you even get google adsense for your own website so I put it to you that you are the one looking for traffic so that you can make money from your Adsense. But you don’t have to be this negative sha.”


“Who be this attention seeker. Don’t worry, if they ask for money I will run away but for now goan sleep. No time for negative vibes from people this 2019. Next post pls”


“Na wa o. so becos of ordinaly like abi followers, sombodi will build website and spend money on social media to promote a job post. Broda you can lie o”


“a few reputable Job sites in Nigeria posts about the vacancy and these are job sites that always verifies the identity of employer before posting any job. Stop discouraging people. Take this nonsense post down immediately.”


Originally posted on





SUSDEVI is an acronym for Sustainable Development International – a multi-lateral non-governmental organization that works to help countries achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Its main focus is on developing countries in the African and Asian continents, but green energy programs extend to countries in America, Australia and Europe.

Although SUSDEVI works on all the Sustainable Development Goals, priority areas of intervention for developing countries include:

Goal 1: No Poverty
End Poverty in All its Forms – Everywhere

Goal 2: Zero Hunger
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Goal 4: Quality Education
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

Goal 13: Climate Action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Goal 14: Life below Water
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources, and

Goal 15: Life on Land
Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is SUSDEVI Recruitment Scam?

SUSDEVI recruitment is not scam, neither is it fake nor fraudulent, according to investigations.


Is SUSDEVI Recruitment Fake?

SUSDEVI recruitment is not fake, neither is it a scam nor fraud, according to investigations.


Is SUSDEVI Recruitment Fraud?

SUSDEVI recruitment is not fraudulent, neither is it fake nor scam, according to investigations.

Trust Digest
15th January 2025 6:56 pm